Friday, July 20, 2012

Post 6 - Pulling the Facts Together

Post 6 – Pulling the Facts Together

This is Post 6.  To start at the beginning, go to Post 1. 

Kelli and the other tourists stay at a small resort run by the guide, and many scenes of the story take place on its porch.  The following photo is of the porch I had in mind when I wrote these scenes.   

This flowering bougainvillea that covers the porch is typical for Belize.  Red is the most popular color, but some are white, yellow, orange, purple, or shades that combine several of those colors.. 

Finding the Scrap of Truth

Each day, Kelli and her friends discuss at their dinner table all they have learned, and they compare that with the current theories.  Their guide knows the ways of his ancestors, and he helps them understand what they have seen.  They recognize that none of the theories of the researchers can be correct.  The following photo shows an outdoor dining area such as the one where they ate at the end of each day. 

Actually, this is a small restaurant.  I enjoyed places like this where the locals eat, I preferred them to the air conditioned restaurants that American tourists frequently choose.

Kelli and her friends had previously decided that none of the current theories could provide the answer to the mystery, so they discuss all they have learned, especially the ‘evil spirits’ tale, and they pretend they are at the city a thousand years ago when it was abandoned, the same as I had done. 

They realize that the priests had been using the threat of ‘evil spirits’ like the Caribbean witch doctors used their ‘boogie man,’ to intimidate the common people and keep them in submission.  Kelli and her friends figure out that those ancient commoners had been repressed cruelly, and they valiantly chose to live free or die, just as other people have done throughout history when their rulers became unbearable.  They did something the priests had warned them against, and then they fled the city in panic because they feared the vengeance of the priest’s ‘evil spirits,’ the spirits that lived at the temple.  Kelli and her friends believe they have discovered the secret to the Mayan Mystery.

At the beginning of the story, I gave Kelli and her friends my purpose and when they reviewed everything they had learned, they discovered what had eluded me.  They discovered the reason the ancient people abandoned their city, even though I had not.  When my fictional characters achieved their purpose, I achieved mine.  I had a reasonable answer to the riddle of the Mayan Mystery.

 To me, this search has been an exciting adventure, and I took it twice.  I took it with Virginia, and I took it again with Kelli and her friends.

Can you figure out the clue that led Kelli and her friends to discover the secret to the mystery?

If not, I’m not going to tell you.  That would ruin the story if you decide to read the book, Mayan Mystery Unveiled.  You can order it from, and you can experience the adventure from the comfort of your own home. 

It’s a lot cheaper than flying to Belize, but be warned.  Reading it may make you want to go there and see the places it describes.  Those places are real, you know, like the pyramid at the ancient city we called Tuna Sandwich, shown in the following photo.

            I hope you enjoyed my little story about my adventures in Belize.  If you did, please share this with someone.  I do not have a big publisher promoting the book, so the only way others will hear about it is if someone tells them.

            Will you do that for me?

            I plan to take at least one more trip to Belize, maybe more.  Maybe I will go there for their ‘End of the world festival,’ on the date given by the Mayan prophesy.  I’ll put it on my credit card, not have to pay for the trip for a month., if I have to pay for it at all.

 If you would like to accompany me, on my next trip, go to Post 5.  I will announce events there.  Thank you for reading this blog.

Go to Post 7 for interesting information about Belize.

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